Elite Travel Companions are Ready to Accompany Refined Gentlemen

It is a big world, and the sophisticated and feminine women who are Crown Escorts (Agency) courtesans are ready to share the world with refined gentlemen as elite travel companions. Our beautiful ladies have an avid interest in expanding their horizons, and doing so with Agency clients is their preference. What do we mean by exploring the world? It could be half a day spent at an awe inspiring Sydney beach, a week-long trip to New York City to enjoy the sights and sounds, or any spot on the map as long as it is deemed safe for travel. Clients can book an extended engagement for 6 hours, a full day, a weekend, a full week, or many months. We have rates to accommodate a variety of client requests.

Gentlemen of refinement and distinction enjoy getting out and refreshing their minds, spirits, and bodies. There is no doubt that sharing time away with a gorgeous, gracious, and refined courtesan enhances any trip. A getaway can be a weekend in Melbourne, a 2-3 week vacation in Europe, or a business trip to the U.S. It may be a few days or a few weeks, or a yearlong tour of the world. Whatever a gentlemen plans, there is an ideal escort ready to share the adventure. In fact, a courtesan adds to the adventure with her beauty, enthusiasm, seductiveness, and passion.

Our agency caters to refined gentlemen who have found enormous success in life as business people and professionals. When they want to 'get away' it means spending quality time de-stressing, enjoying the finer things in life, and reviving passion. It is always better to have the companionship of a gorgeous woman who brings the seductiveness and passion that makes life so grand. We have escorts who are willing to make extended appointments with clients, and all it takes is a phone call or email to begin finding the perfect courtesan.

Arrangements for Elite Travel Companions

Elite travel companions always travel by business or first class, depending on the client's preferences. The first step is finding and booking an escort to ensure the gentlemen has a courtesan who is available and willing to accompany him during the preferred time period. Once the schedule is west, payment must be made at least a week before the flight. Our staff will book flights and arrange the itinerary because we always want to know the location of the wonderful women who are part of our agency. Their safety and happiness are top concerns. Once everything is arranged, the client is sent a confirmation.

Knowing how busy many of our clients are most of the time, we are happy to offer additional services. We can become a private concierge and assist clients with hotel reservations, flight transfers, limousine reservations, special charters, restaurant reservations, security accommodations, tour bookings, and much more. Clients should not hesitate to make inquiries. Our staff will always be honest and truthful, while doing as much as possible to accommodate requests.

Expectations for a Gentleman's Behavior

Our agency has a high class clientele consisting of refined gentlemen. We have never had any issues concerning a gentlemen's poor behavior, disrespectful attitude, or abandonment of the escort while on a trip. That is because we so carefully screen escorts and will not allow an escort to accompany a client who is disrespectful or rude. However, if something should occur of concern while on a trip, it is important to contact the agency right away and discuss the issue. 

Requirements of Agency Travel Companions

We are focused on providing each of our gentlemen clients with an escort who has the right personality, characteristics, and sophistication. However, we also want to ensure the selected escort is treated like a lady at all times and enjoys a safe and healthy trip. To meet these goals, the Agency has set a few requirements that we ask clients to faithfully adhere to. First, the escort must be given her own key to hotel rooms or other accommodations and be allowed to come and go as she desires. Second, the companion must be allowed to get an uninterrupted 8-hours of sleep every 24 hours. Third, should the escort desire to rest, she must be allowed to relax as needed to refresh herself. Fourth, the companion needs a minimum of two (2) hours every 24 hours for personal grooming. 

Be Considerate 

A gentlemen should give his travel companion the same consideration he would give any lady accompanying him on a trip. He should offer advice on clothing or special requirements associated with the locations they are visiting. Does she need special clothing, lots of sunscreen, walking shoes, and so on? If you discover she needs an item during the trip that she does not have, please purchase it for her. It is only polite and ensures the escort is properly prepared and attired for any planned or unexpected event or adventure. Please do not try to skimp on reasonable expenses, change the plans while on the trip so the trip is less than what was agreed to, or shortchange the escort in other ways. She has scheduled her time just for you and has given up other opportunities in order to please you. Treat her like a lady at all times and have a wonderful time.